This would put OSCPILOT into the next dimension :)

Updated Repost, first post can be deleted:
I really love OSCPILOT :slight_smile: and would love to see it thrive with new possibilities in the future. So please forgive me that i’m writing not just one, but a list of feature requests which are based on daily usage of OSCPILOT for a long time, which i think would be of great value to many OSCPILOT users and put it into another league.

  1. Batch-Transformation of Objects:
    I spent countless hours of resizing whole interfaces, because only one object can be resized at a time. “Select several objects & Transform size of all together” would be an awesome function. (including objects which are directly layered above each other) :smile: Being able to group several objects would also help a lot.

  2. Automatic numbering for OSC address numbers
    I was building a huge Cliplauncher, consisting of 24 Tracks and 12 Scenes = 288 Clips! It’s really helpful already, that inserting the # works for automatic numbering! So /track/1/clip/#/isPlaying works when put into the (Multi)“BUTTONS” Widget! Yay!
    Still, it would be awesome to have some sort of automatic add +1 value duplicate function, which makes /track/1/clip/#/hasContent into /track/2/#/hasContent just by duplicating.

  3. It would be awesome to also have a Multi-TEXTS widget, because there’s no text-label-multi-widget for many clips. Alternative would be to let the Multi-Buttons-Widget receive text labels for individual buttons (example name adress is /track/1/clip/#/name)

  4. Text-Wrap and spacing possibilities for the text widget.

  5. Please reduce horizontal size restriction:
    It’s a pity you can’t further reduce the horizontal size of buttons and especially Faders.

  6. . Also, it would be awesome if Faders could be borderless!

  7. LUA Scripting region within widgets to let users create workarounds for non-existent features - would be crazy :slight_smile:
    Use example: You can’t make use of Colors for Tracks and Clips, because OSC/Pilot can’t use RGB format of colors. FeatureRequest: OSC args for Faders and Textbox - #4 by Nowiamone

  • A RGB to hex script could do the job, if hex is the right thing for oscpilot (Example: i found this working rgb to hex script for touch osc:

  • function onValueChanged(text)
    function rgb_to_hex (s)
    – Use string.match to extract the three numbers from the string
    local r, g, b = string.match (s, “rgb%((%d+),(%d+),(%d+)%)”)
    – Return a new string in HEX format
    return (string.format(“%02X%02X%02X”,r,g,b))
    self.color = rgb_to_hex (self.values.text)

  • Other use cases for a script: making a double tap to confirm Button, creating delayed actions like a button sending out several osc messages with a certain delay time in between, creating Faders which send out osc messages faster the closer you come to their maximum (good for scrolling/zooming purpose etc.), and so on.

  1. Please increase size of settings window for a quick-fix of this issue:
    Bugreport: Midi Settings Window too small
    Bugreport: Midi Settings Window too small

  2. Option to send several OSC commands with one Button, with a few ms delay in between commands (or even manual timeset option) :slight_smile: Use example: End recording and auto jump to next Track.

  3. Adding a Pager Widget and maybe even a List Widget. It’s possible to simulate the behavior of a pager by copying the whole interface Page to another workspace and just changing a specific area, while adding a workspace switch button. This isn’t efficient for complex, big setups, which have several layers/areas of pagers.
    A List Widget would be really awesome in general. A scrollable list which is permanently shown, and a dropdown list, which only opens when pressed.

  4. Option to deactivate the automatic pop-up touch Keyboard

  5. Option to deactivate the automatic pop-up bars at bottom and right- which can impair the workflow of moving widgets when trying to position them in those edges.

All the best, and thanks for making the 1.10.1 version, it’s really nice. OSCPILOT is already an awesome software as it is. It’s only “advanced” use cases where it could improve (and the midi port selection bug being the only real bug i know of :wink: I m also aware of the background story of OSCPILOT, which makes it unlikely that such drastic changes will ever come - but just wanted to share those ideas anyway :slight_smile: