Bugreport: Midi Settings Window too small

Hi there, dear developers,
sadly, when going to preferences, my MIDI SETTINGS List gets cut off at the bottom. I cannot move through the list via mouse-wheel, via a side-bar, or via arrows-up-down, it seems the list cannot be moved at all. Please either tell me that i missed a setting to see the full list, it’s quite possible since i m a noob. - or please fix the issue :slight_smile: Thanks in advance!

Hey, sorry about this. It’s been reported before but I had trouble reproducing. I’ll take a look again soon.

no problem, my workaround is disconnecting some midi devices before startup :slight_smile:

to reproduce the problem, you could lend some more midi controllers and install LoopBe and LoopMidi :slight_smile: then you have the clutterisation of the list

Are you on a smaller MacBook? I’ve found that I need to use 3rd party software to change my display from 1440x900(retina) to 2560x1800(native resolution) to get the full interface to show up for O/P. Maybe this info can help with reproducing this Malcolm?

The only way to workaround this bug is:

  • unplugging at least 2 USB Midi-Devices, so that the List will be small enough in OSC
  • startup OSC, select the correct Loopmidi Ports in the MidiSettings
    After that, The correct selection always gets recalled properly, when i unplug 2 USB devices before starting up OSC. But ONLY then. It is ONLY stored for the EXACT list which was active when selecting the in/out device.
    As soon as i have my other 2 USB devices plugged in, and the list therefore changes after OSC startup, OSC has “not selected” as default selection again.
    Thus, Since of course i have (and want) my midi devices plugged in usually, i have to do that workaround each and every day.

Hi:) you could also use one instance of “LoopMidi” and create several Virtual midi ports with it, until your list looks like mine. It’s a bit annoying, i have to say, cause each startup i have to disconnect my Launchpad and my drumpad, to be able to make the correct Input/Output settings in Osc/Pilot.

after years I have now updated my OSC Pilot to 1.9.9 and now I have the same issue as described in this post. I can not move the midi setting list via the side bar on my touchscreen nor on the normal monitor via mouse.
Kind Regars

This bug is finally fixed in builds 1.11.1