Please help: Button toggle troubles

I have a quick question. Can somebody tell me why my toggle function does not work when I assign it? I wanted my button to light up when I have something turned on on a track (reverb, delay etc) and turn off when I press it again which will turn off the reverb, delay etc… But it does not work, it only turns it on and off when I press the button twice which defeats the purpose. I don’t know what is wrong. Help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Pics below.

When you have midi assignment mode activated (Ctrl+M), and you select the thing in Ableton you assigned, you have to check the Ableton Info Area, if you can choose the Midi assignment mode to “absolute”

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Picture example:

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Concerning your OSC/Pilot Settings: why are you sending Midi Notes in addition to the Midi CC Message? Toggle message needs only the Midi CC.
And why do you have “1” as “on” value, instead of the default 127?
My settings for a working Midi CC Toggle Button Assignment are here for example:

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I tried your settings and they worked great. I don’t know why when I had the same settings as you earlier it didn’t work. The only difference was that I didn’t leave the midi notes section blank. Was that the reason for not working properly?
Im using your settings and everything works perfectly. You’re awesome dude. Thank you very much.

Nice, glad it works!

It could be the midi notes, yes.
It s sometimes tricky to find out the reason. Sometimes it is the Ableton Ctrl+M wrong assignement Mode (relative instead of absolute, as in the picture above) :slight_smile:

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