More menu selections

Continuing the discussion from Standalone synth controls:

Okay, Synths software do have a pitchbend menu, but it’s under “pitch” or pitch bend" as a mod. There is no way to assign them to OSC Pilot. When you pick a slider in OSC pilot editor,
it only really gives you 3 options, #1 midi ch, #2 Midi cc and #3 Midi Note. There is no “CTRL” menu, there is no “Picthbend” menu. I think… less vacations and more program updates. This is a nice program, but is lacking many functions.

Hey, I’ve been using OSC/Pilot since September 2020, and I can tell you that since it is not being updated, it is better to use an alternative touch interface. Malcolm offers help if there is an issue, but don’t expect any new features. I repeatedly requested, wrote numerous ideas, and waited a long time for something. Guess what? Huge fat 0. Although it has the nicest graphics available! If you require something a little more sophisticated or scripted, forget about OSC/Pilot. :slight_smile:

:face_with_head_bandage: Thank you! This program had potentials and it is sad, to see no updates. But I did find a free sofware that did the job. It’s called “Xenharmonic Keyboard” by Peter Moomaw.