Thought about doing a centered fader as pitch shift -1 or +1 octaves with semitone detents. (24 total) Wondering if it’s possible to add an x2 button for the steps adjustment.
Thank you for all of your hard work, I have been making mappings for common guitar rigs like THU and Neural DSP. With graphics. Super amazing program.
Midi values. I use osculator for feedback, but because I’m using Pilot as front end control, unless I’m cueing a preset, OSC feedback isn’t as necessary. For presets, I’ll use clips in ableton that fire midi envelopes to both OSCulator as well as the plug-in, so I’m “synced” between them.
Hey @malcolm - just circling back around to this, I ran into another instance where simply having an “x2” button next to the steps slider would be a great feature. I use your product everyday, it’s a complete game changer.