Does anyone have any recommendations on large (>15") touchscreens?
Obviously there’s the Surface Studio, but I was just looking for a screen that I could grab out of my case plug into my Laptop for live use
Does anyone have any recommendations on large (>15") touchscreens?
Obviously there’s the Surface Studio, but I was just looking for a screen that I could grab out of my case plug into my Laptop for live use
Any touch screen will work under Windows. The drivers are already native and comes with the OS.
For OSX this is a different story but so far is OSCpilot Windows only and I assume you are referring to a Windows machine.
One thing worth checking before buying a touch screen is that it supports multi-touch (most of them do anyway) and that the bezel is not too thick and plasticky. This will drive you mad in a long run.
Acer, HP, Hanns-G, Asus and few years ago even Samsung, all are making touch screens that you can simply hook up to your laptop using the HDMI or (in case of the newer ones) USB-C port.
For some fancy touch features you can check driver from touch-base (130 bucks though) but for the regular stuff you don’t need to do anything special. Connect the screen, set it up/calibrate in the preferences so the OS knows this will be used as a touch screen and you are good to go.
I’m not sure how prevalent low quality multi-touch displays are these days, but you’ll want to ensure the screen you get actually supports many real touches at the same time. In the past some could only do 1 or 2 touches at a time.
The Dell P2418HT is a great option at the price point. Has a thin bezel which is perfect for multi-screen setups. In my case I’m running 3 screens spanned horizontally. Don’t be turned off by the resolution. This screen became quite adapted as a go to device for touch apps. For instance Waves eMotion LV1 recommend the P2418HT due to its weight and as mentioned the thin bezel.
Hope this helps.
Thanks - that Dell looks pretty decent and it is 10 point multi-touch
I just picked up one of these and it’s on sale right now! I liked the low bezel and the stand on it to allow for various positions. 10 point touch screen with low latency (even though it is only HDMI input).