Yamaha DM3 OSC control

Hi all,

I´m a total beginner with OSC so please be patient.

I have tried to apply OSC control between OSC Pilot and Yamaha DM3 audio console. Yamaha has a OSC tutorial (for Qlab) and I have tried to understand the OSC command line. When I copy the example command and add it to slider OCS Address it doesn´t do anything:

/yosc:req/set/MIXER:Current/InCh/Fader/Level/1/1 -32768

Network should be ok since I can ping DM3´s IP.
Any tips or links for suitable tutorials?


Yamaha tutorial: https://jp.yamaha.com/files/download/other_assets/2/2063222/DM3_osc_specs_v100_en.pdf

The /yosc:req/set/MIXER:Current/InCh/Fader/Level/1/1 would be the OSC Address, while -32768 is the value that they want sent.
So you’d have to set your value to -32768 for a button to send that specific value, or change your slider range to have that as the low value (what do they want as the high value?)