Yamaha DM3 OSC control

Hi all,

I´m a total beginner with OSC so please be patient.

I have tried to apply OSC control between OSC Pilot and Yamaha DM3 audio console. Yamaha has a OSC tutorial (for Qlab) and I have tried to understand the OSC command line. When I copy the example command and add it to slider OCS Address it doesn´t do anything:

/yosc:req/set/MIXER:Current/InCh/Fader/Level/1/1 -32768

Network should be ok since I can ping DM3´s IP.
Any tips or links for suitable tutorials?


Yamaha tutorial: https://jp.yamaha.com/files/download/other_assets/2/2063222/DM3_osc_specs_v100_en.pdf

The /yosc:req/set/MIXER:Current/InCh/Fader/Level/1/1 would be the OSC Address, while -32768 is the value that they want sent.
So you’d have to set your value to -32768 for a button to send that specific value, or change your slider range to have that as the low value (what do they want as the high value?)

Hi Malcom,

That was just the example from Yamaha tutorial, which is the only DM3 specific OSC document that I know.

Problem is that I still don´t understand how to put that address and values to OSCPilot so that it would work with DM3.

For example, I would want to add a button that would toggle input channel 1 on and off.
Yamaha OSC specs tell me this:

Input Channel Fader On set MIXER:Current/InCh/Fader/On 1 - Input Channel Num Input Channel 1 — i: integer 0 1 0: OFF, 1: ON

So if I follow the tutorial the address should be something like this :

/yosc:req/set/MIXER:Current/InCh/Fader/On 1

Line above doesn´t work when I copy it to OSC address line. So there must be something that I don´t understand here.