Trying to send a command from TouchOSC on my Ipad


I’m trying to control a vMix via TouchOSC through your wonderfull OSCpilot. When I move the fader on the Ipad, I can see the faders move in OSC Pilot but I can’t get the MIDI value to vMix. When I move the same fader on the OSCpilot software I get the value perfect. Is this just a wierd request or should this work…


Haven’t actually spent any time trying to route signals through it. Should work in theory but totally possible it’s just not doing it right now. I’ll try to take a look sometime. Thanks for the note!

Sound cool to me… I will buy a license right away…

Look foreward to hear more ;o)



I just purchased OSCPilot today and so far it works great on the desktop.
I came across this thread since I am having the same issue. I can access the faders on my desktop with loopmidi, but when I try the faders on the ipad App, I get no midi control of VMIX.
Is there something I am missing on the ipad to make this work?


Do you see the MIDI values coming into your OS in the macOS MIDI settings/control panel?