No connection OSC/Pilot X TouchDesigner

Hi, so today I have purchased OSC/Pilot, since it has some really cool features i.e. NDI streaming, background image and just vibrant colors and stuff overall. Now, setting up my system here, I cant get stuff to work, the only thing that works, is the connection macbook / Ipad, so I can update the layout on the Ipad.

  • Macbook where I run the OSC/Pilot editor
  • Ipad grabs the interface
  • IMac. communicates with the ipad (or at least, should)

so I am creating the interface on my Macbook, The ipad app communicates with the Macbook over its IP and the standard Port 11223, works fine. Than on my Ipad i have the Port set which is the networkport in the OSC_In CHOP in TD on my IMac including the IP address from my Imac, and I can not get a single signal into TD. I have also tried to stream the NDI from TD to the APP, but no chance.

The same setup (apart from the NDI) works like a charm in TouchOSC, anybody with a clue how this is not working in OSC/Pilot?

Thaaanks, Cheers!

good, happy new year to everybody!

NDI works now, I receive all the NDI streams from TouchDesigner on my laptop.
sending OSC commands to TouchDesigner… still no luck…
so now I have a 50 Dollar NDI stream viewer.

Btw I am trying now first, without the IPad in the ecosystem, so directly macbook to IMac.

This is almost surely a firewall issue on the Windows machine. Ensure TouchDesigner is allowed through the firewall. As a temporary test, try turning off your firewall to see if that fixes it. If it does, then you know it’s a firewall setting on the Windows machine

Hi Malcolm,

many thanks for the quick response!
no Windows computers were harmed during this exercise.

its a complete Apple ecosystem, I indeed checked the firewall settings, but they are by default turned off. so it can’t be that. the weird thing is that TouchOSC, with exactly the same settings works like a charm. also the NDI stream from TouchDesigner on my imac is picked up in OSC/Pilot on my macbook.

Can you post all the settings you have for OSC/PILOT, TouchOSC and TouchDesigner so I can see how everything is configured? This will still most likely be a configuration issue somehow that we just need to track down.

Hi, so I have made some screenshots, the set-up in TD is as follows: OSC_In Chop sends a signal to the button in order to show if somebody has operated the button in the UI (touchOSC or OSC/Pilot) if yes the button goes into an on/off - state. in the screenshots you see the operators mirrored, on the top is the TouchOSC-in on the bottom the OSC/Pilot-in. as you can see the upper one gets a signal, the lower one doesn’t.

settings are the same, although I have used other ports for OSC/Pilot, I have cross-checked it though by using the same ports in TouchOSC.

Yeah this is really odd. That all seems right. Can you show me the settings for the button you are hitting in OSC/PILOT?

Hi sorry for the late reply, but these are the settings of the button.

Sorry for the delay in answering, I was on vacation. Maybe I’m missing something, but you don’t have an OSC address filled in for that widget, so it won’t send anything

Hi Malcolm,

hope you have had a great holiday!

I was definitely missing something here.
added an address and the whole #shebang works like a charm.
completely missed it, since in OSCtouch it comes for free.
it’s always the small things in life :slight_smile:

many Thanks for the support!
