Issues with Mac and iPad connection

IPad (9th generation)
Mac running OS Ventura 13.6.9

Although there is another post with the same issue and has been concluded, I am having issues connecting the Mac application to the iPad. I followed the post’s conversation and attempted to apply the instructions given, but no results. Triple checked my IP address on both Mac and IPad, enabling the edit server, server port number and inputing the information into the iPad. But when I press update, the button glows and nothing happens. This may simply be a straightforward process, but I can’t find any documentation on how to establish a connection other the previously mentioned post. Help is appreciated, Thanks.

Ok update, I figured it out. Consider this thread, dead!

Ok I thought I figured it out. It worked once, allowing me to place widgets from mac to iPad, but as soon as I deleted them, the iPad screen had that instructional text on how to enter edit mode. No swiping in any direction worked. So now I have been installing and uninstalling the app on my iPad. The enable server IP address is not working again, and I don’t know if it has anything to do with it but the IP address on my iPad is now different than the mac. What the hell? How is it that a nearly 20 year old app like Lemur has better user friendly functionality than this?

Ok, now I have got it figured out. Here’s some words of caution for everyone. If this has been posted before then feel free to ignore. When your iPad is connected to a Mac or any computer, do not delete all the widgets and update, as you will be stuck with the instructional text mentioned above. It seems, for now, that updates only apply once you have created and saved a project.

Thanks for that bug report. I’ll look into this when I get a chance

OP, Can you share what you changed? I too am having the same/similar issue:


  • I ticked “Enable Server” in settings and noted the Port #


  • Under Remote Edit Server, I typed in the Mac’s IP and Port #

Pressing Update, it glows for a brief second and then nothing else. The Mac doesn’t change and the iPad doesn’t change.

Am I missing a step? How do I edit on my Mac but see it on my iPad?
