Is it possible to add a feature where by pressing the center of a dial and moving your finger up/to the side could adjust the value being sent? Preferably with the option to turn down the sensitivity of the dial, so it takes a longer time to reach max?
Sliders are awesome but dials are just so space efficient. If I could populate a page with some dials at the bottom to save space and then have the ability to press on them and move up I could use the entire screen real-estate for fine control of the dials but not have to dedicate the whole height for a slider.
Thanks for the suggestion. In builds 1.5.2 and later you’ll be able to control dials via clicking on their center and dragging horizontally. No vertical or sensitivity controls yet. Let’s see how it feels before adding more parameters.
I can guarantee that for most users this is not enough.
Every touch based control app i know has simply all these options.
Turning a encoder knob should work with tap and slide vertically,
that’s how it works for 100% of all auv3 software synths/apps. That’s how it works in any other touch based control app.
It’s how it’s done on a touch system. it’s the most accurate, the most ergenomic. Nothing can replace this.
Turning circels on a touch scream is not intuitive or ergnomic.
Without this feature i will never get a licence and it would be a dealbreaker for many.
This app has so many amazing features. Please don’t ignore this ESSENTIAL no brainer.