Program Change Messages?

Hi Malcom

Sorry if this has been discussed, tried a search and nothing came up. Seems like the one kind of MIDI message one cannot send is program change? I don’t see any documentation but that seems kind of basic so maybe it’s just assumed. I have a few instruments that need PC messages, would love to know that exists before I switch over to Pilot.


This is currently not possible, we only support sending CC and Note messages. I’ll add it to my feature request list though.


just curious, about how low on your priority list would you say this is? haha

just feel like anyone using synths etc… will want this but understand you’ve got other things going probably

Hello, you might have success with “BOME MIDI TRANSLATOR PRO”,
it can use midi cc and transform it to other messages, like program change :slight_smile:

I think, now in 2023 it is time to ask for program changes again.
Guitarists will love it. Finally adressing PGMs directly instead of stepping thru with your foot.


Hi! Yes I do love BOME for lots of things but it’s best to consolidate workflow programming to one device as there are less things in the chain that can break.

I agree it’s time for Program Change to be implemented!

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