Can OSC pilot handle two arguments: Buttons yes/Faders&Text No

Update: i researched what is actually being sent via protokol
So this is was is being sent out by Touch OSC [and it works, in Ableton]

And this is what is being sent out by OSC Pilot. Two differences: a) it’s not a string message, but a int message. b) there is a additional Float message being sent.

Now i found out that a) is not the problem. Because it can be string or integer, it doesn’t matter. The problem was b) the additional Float message.
By trial&error i found out that by deleting OSC OFF and OSC ON values, no float will be sent - only the integers. Then it works, controlling AbletonOSC

EDIT: I also found out that Faders and Text boxes can’t handle any arguments at all, so i made a feature request :slight_smile: FeatureRequest: OSC args for Faders and Textbox